About Me

I’m a 26 year old wife and a mother from Finland. I have two adorable boys and a husband who makes my life special every day. Besides cooking and baking I enjoy exercising, which quite nicely balances my burning passion for good food. I also enjoy traveling (how original..), playing with my hair and memorising very important trivia such as every country in the world. 

I have always appreciated good food but I never was much of a chef myself. I was actually pretty disastrous in the kitchen whereas my dear sisters showed a great deal of talent in that area (among many others). I have no idea what me and my husband ate during the first years of our marriage. When our eldest son was born I decided to start “a journey from a total kitchen disaster to a first-class wife”. That’s the description from my cooking&baking album in Facebook and it’s now filled with pictures of food and baked goods I’ve made during the years. 

Five years have passed since that time. I’d like to say there has been progress. Something I used to dread has turned into a passion. For me cooking and baking works like therapy and it gives me great pleasure to be able to provide my family with honest and delicious home-cooked food. Cooking and baking also plays an important role in our family get-togethers, and my best recipes definitely come from within the family. 

During these five years I’ve obtained quite a broad collection of killer recipes. I think it’s finally time for me to pay it forward. I hope you enjoy my blog, please spare a moment to comment if you find something you like!

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